I sent an email to one of my favorite romance authors, Pam Rosenthal, and she wrote a very gracious reply. It was so nice of her to take the time to answer. If you haven’t read any of…Read More
On Endings
By the end of a well-written romance novel you should be gobbling up the pages like they were cotton candy that would stick to your chin if you didn’t melt it with your tongue fast enough. I just…Read More
da da da da DA DA
The Muzak version of the theme song from Chariots of Fire is perpetually playing in the hallways of the hotel I’m living in. At first it just drove me crazy. Now I’ve decided that they’re featuring it especially…Read More
The Fifth Ring
Yes my friends, I am in the fifth ring of Rewrite Hell. I am guilty of Wrath and Gloom, and for those sins I should be punished. At first the task of rewriting seemed straightforward enough. Add more…Read More
My First Tag
Four jobs I’ve had: Working my way up through the ranks of an Alaskan fish cannery for three summers (I started on the “slime line”, moved into the egg house and ended up in high-grade caviar). Genealogical research…Read More
Scent of a Scholar
From the hotel website: This exquisite hotel filled with strong scholarly aroma is an ideal site for you to either read books or sit idly. Strong scholarly aroma? I admit to thinking the smell of books and leather…Read More
Romancing the Stone
What have I been doing instead of finishing my NaNoWriMo WIP? Numerous procrastinatory and one or two legitimate activities. Going on a DVD buying binge falls firmly into the former category. And what did I find at the…Read More
I’ve thought about participating in National Novel Writing Month for the past two years. But this time I’m taking the plunge–with a little help from my new found friends from Avon FanLit. I’m especially pleased I met Tessa…Read More
Blue Suede Shoes
OK, they’re actually shiny patent leather. I just bought these shoes because I wanted to reward myself for getting so much writing done. And because I’m in China, they were only seven dollars. Oh yeah, baby. I heart…Read More
Being greatly harassed by this obstacle…
Oh how I love thee, Charlotte. From her preface to the 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights. This bringing out of our little book was hard work. As was to be expected, neither we nor our poems were at…Read More