Actor Beverley A. Crick has narrated all of my audiobooks since my first novel, How the Duke Was Won! I love her beautiful, velvety voice and the nuance she brings to all of the characters. I interviewed her recently and learned a little bit more about this amazing actor and narrator. Check out her latest audiobook for Duke Most Wicked!
1. What’s your favorite part of being an audiobook narrator?
It is an actor’s dream job and I love it!
Through the lens of the author I am able to enter all sorts of interesting worlds and to inhabit an array of diverse and interesting characters, regardless of the real-life constraints of appearance, age, nationality, etc. Male, female, old or young, as a narrator I can play them all. It’s such a treat to be able to flesh out the characters and bring them to life.
If I’m lucky, I get to work with a really terrific author such as yourself. Your books are always such fun to narrate, filled as they are with lots of lively banter and winks and clever nods to other works of literature or films. So all in all, it’s a pretty nice job to have.
Oh, and one huge bonus – no lines to learn! 

2. What are you currently reading (for pleasure)?
Because I read and research so much for my work, I tend not to read for pleasure as much as I would like. And that is a great regret. However, when I hear a particularly compelling recommendation, either from a reviewer or a friend, I usually make a note to add it to my pile of must reads. Just this morning, on one of the morning shows, they were waxing lyrical about “The Whalebone Theater” by Joanna Quinn. So I’ve made a note to seek out that one for my list.
And of course that Lenora Bell character – I hear her books are pretty terrific too! Hopefully, she has more in her hopper ! 

3. What does a perfect day (or meal/trip/etc) look like to you?
A perfect day begins around six or seven with a lovely cup of tea. When I’m in New York, I love to walk in Riverside Park in the mornings, where all the joggers are getting energized for the day ahead and the dog owners are being walked by their excitedly romping four-footed friends.
When I’m in Bermuda, where I spent so much of my childhood, I feed two overly pampered pussycats, then take an early morning walk along the beach, where I drink in the beauty of the sun and sky and waves. It’s very therapeutic – so soothing and centering.
If I’m lucky, a day in the recording studio follows. Which really doesn’t feel like work at all!
4. What’s one thing on your bucket list?
To hook up with George Clooney. Why isn’t he calling?? Damn that Amal!! Just because she’s a fancy international human rights lawyer Pffft! 

5. What’s up next for you?
Just finishing up a series epilogue by the wonderful historical romance writer, Caroline Linden. And am about to start working on a cozy Scottish mystery by the prolifically talented Traci Hall. Then, a sparklingly witty romance set in Wales and penned by the indomitable Kate Bateman. I’m hoping that 2023 will bless me with a constant flow of books in every genre and plenty of opportunities to morph into many more fascinating characters and alternate universes!