October 6, 2014

Thanks, Gracias, Grazie, Merci, 谢谢!

As promised, here’s my long list of people I need to thank. I really hope I don’t forget anyone because there have been so many people who helped me create my debut historical romance novel, CHARLENE AND THE DUCHESS FACTORY. Here goes!

Heartfelt thanks to:

  • Mom and dad, who filled our house with books, tried to teach us Latin, and took us to England when I was eleven, where I decided I wanted to live in the Victoria and Albert Museum, and became a lifelong Anglophile.
  • My sister, whose boyfriend bought her a set of 100 romance novels from eBay to get her through a particularly dark Alaskan winter, for being my historical researcher, critique partner, and best friend.
  • My husband, for building me wood fires, giving me space to be creative, and showing me the meaning of true love.
  • Eloisa James, for so eloquently championing the romance genre and starting me on the path to ruin romance writing.
  • Everyone I met through Avon FanLit, especially Tessa Dare, Courtney Milan, and Maggie Robinson. Your friendship, encouragement, and inspiration have made all the difference.
  • Kerensa, Maire, Delilah, Rachel, Reed, Laura, Sheri, Evelyn, Lisa, and Patty (ack! hope I didn’t forget anyone!) for reading early drafts and chapters, and for giving me such insightful feedback.
  • The 2014 Golden Heart® Dreamweavers – I’m so honored to be a part of this talented, supportive community. We’ve had a lot to celebrate lately, and I hope the good news keeps rolling in. Pop that prosecco, Nan!
  • The Nonfiction Vixens, for all the malbec, skype dates, critiques, and for being the best BFF’s in the world. Miss you so much and love you so much!
  • To my agent, Alexandra. I know how to pronounce your last name. You’re the absolute best!
  • To the Romance Writers of America, and special thanks to Carol Ritter, for organizing the Golden Heart® award for unpublished authors, giving hope and opportunity to romantic dreamers like me.
  • Jen, Liz, and Robin – signing up for your badass table at The Golden Network Retreat was the best decision I ever made. You hooked me up! Cocktails and karaoke on me in NY.
  • To Patty at The Romance Dish, for inviting me to guest blog and for believing in my book.
  • Smart Bitches, Trashy Books – I’ve been following Sarah (and Candy) since the beginning – thanks so much for the belly laughs and for providing such a brainy, irreverent forum for all things man-titty and romance.
  • To anyone who reads this blog and who is following my career…I can’t wait to be able to share my first book with you! Thank you so much for visiting.
  • And, finally, to all the romance authors who inspire and challenge me. The list is far too lengthy, but here’s a photo of a few desert island keepers from my collection. Several influential authors are missing from the photo (Pam Rosenthal, Laura Kinsale, Lisa Kleypas and a million others) because I keep lending books to convert new romance readers. Thank you so much for sharing your talent, vision, and perfectly satisfying happily-ever-afters with the world!

Romance Covers


Answer one of the questions below or just leave me a comment and let me know you’re reading. I’ll randomly choose a commenter to win a lovely fair trade 100% alpaca scarf from Bolivia in the color of your choice!

  • What are you thankful for right now?
  • Can you guess which three of the books in the photo thank me in the acknowledgements page?
  • Is one of your favorite books in the photo? 






44 thoughts on “Thanks, Gracias, Grazie, Merci, 谢谢!”

  1. What am I thankful for right now? My kids are healthy. Reading all the things in the news right now has made me feel infinitely grateful for health. It sounds simple, but it doesn’t feel like it.

    Three books that thank you? I’m going to go with Goddess of the Hunt, Proof of Seduction, and the Dark Lady. Let me know if I’m right. I think those were those ladies’ first commercial efforts (though I’m not sure of Courtney).

    As to favorite books…
    The Black Hawk is one of my all time favorites. I can’t wait for her next one to come out.

    And we are super thankful for you too, Ms. Lenora!!

  2. Congratulations on getting published! You know I am very excited for you. I can’t wait to read your book! I am so thankful for my kids and my husband. They are my heart. 🙂

  3. I am grateful for my faith, family, health, and authors that supply me with an endless amount of joy!

    Hmm, three books that thank you – my guesses are:

    Tessa Dare’s Any Duchess Will Do
    Marie Clare’s The Dark Lady
    Sara MacLean’s The Good Duke

    The book I absolutely love from the pile in your picture is Courtney Milan’s Proof of Seduction. Courtney can’t write a bad book if she tried!

    I’ve not yet had the pleasure of reading your books, Lenora, as you are a new to me author, but I will now 😀

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Gena! I know, Courtney Milan is AMAZING! She’s my inspiration! My book won’t come out for a year. I’ll be biting my nails the whole time 🙂 Hugs! Lenora

  4. I am thankful for the opportunity to be alive, for new possibilities, for new perspectives, for open doors and open windows, for love, and for friends like YOU!

  5. Hi Lenora! *waving*

    I’m so very happy for you and cannot wait to read your book in its entirety! So happy I decided to swing through the bar that night at RWA. You really do meet the most wonderful people there. 🙂

    It was a pleasure to host you at The Romance Dish. You are always welcome there!

    I’m busy reading ARCs for review but I did manage to sneak Kristan Higgins’ IN YOUR DREAMS in yesterday for pure reading pleasure. I highly recommend it!


    1. Thanks, PJ!! You’ll always find me at the bar 🙂 Just kidding! Can’t wait to come back to The Dish when I’m published. I’m super jealous of your ARCS 🙂 xoxo – Lenora

  6. Congratulations, I’m looking forward to checking out your book! Goddess of the Hunt is the first Tessa Dare book I read and I love it!

    1. Hi Karin! My first book, CHARLENE AND THE DUCHESS FACTORY, will be coming out from Avon. I’m so excited!! Tessa Dare is one of my all time favorite authors and people. You have great taste 🙂

  7. As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am very thankful to say that I am a 20-year breast cancer survivor.

    My guesses are: (I’m sure of the first one but the other two are guesses)

    The Dark Lady – Maire Claremont
    Wicked Becomes You – Meredith Duran
    It’s Always Been You – Victoria Dahl

    It’s so hard to choose a favorite, but I did like “A Lady Most Likely.”

    Thanks for your fun giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Connie! I love hearing the strong, courageous stories of women like you who have survived and THRIVED! Good guesses 🙂 I’ll be announcing the answers tomorrow. Hugs to you during BCAM. – Lenora

  8. Congrats on the book! How exciting for you!

    There are many favorites of mine in the photo above. At the top of the list are Lord of Scoundrels and Black Hawk.

  9. You’ve got one of my all time favs in your book pile! Judith McNaught’s Once and Always. I read it so many times!

    Hoping I’ll get lucky and get that fabulous alpaca scarf you’re offering! 😀 I just finished a book set on a US alpaca farm, and I loved learning about alpacas. I ended up going to YouTube and watching alpacas and baby alpacas, which are the cutest animals!

    So happy for your success!

  10. I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my health, and my job (because it keeps me in books, lol). I’m currently reading an ARC of NIGHT BLINDNESS by another debut author, Susan Strecker. Congrats, Lenora, on getting published — and best wishes for every future success!

    1. Hi Marian! I remember when Maire won the Golden Heart with The Dark Lady – what a thrill! She’s so amazingly talented, and such a lovely person as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. i am thankful for LIFE, FRIENDS, LOVE
    the Dark lady is an all time favorite –
    all my wishes for a wonderful debut!!!!

  12. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading your book. I’ve read the majority of those in the picture and there are some excellent ones. A particular favorite — Any Duchess Will Do.

  13. Oh heavens, those books! You have converted me into a romance reader – it’s my guilty pleasure now, and I can’t wait to read more of your own prose during the moments I sneak away from grading…

  14. I’m popping a case of Prosecco for you, girl!!! It is amazing how many people have helped us in our writing careers. You have done an awesome job with your gratitude!

  15. Congratulations on your Avon book deal!!
    I am thankful for my Husband and Daughter for always being there when I need them most.

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