January 21, 2008

New Friends

The conference was fabulous. If any of you get a chance to take a workshop from Debra Dixon you should. She is one of the best speakers I’ve ever seen. She was witty, fiercely intelligent, passionate about writing, and able to give concrete advice in a way that made sense and motivated me to run home and fix the mistakes in my WIP. I can’t say enough good things about her.

I got to meet three of the amazingly talented and sweet Manuscript Mavens. Their storyboarding workshop was very helpful and well-presented and they looked fetching in their matching pink and white t-shirts.

I also met Delilah Marvelle whose upcoming School of Gallantry series for Kensington sounds scintillating and delicious. Check her out!

The best part about conferences is meeting so many other writers whose tales of perseverance and triumph inspire you to keep going. It’s not going to be easy. But I’ll never get published if I don’t polish this manuscript and send it out. It’s as simple as that.

I registered for the San Francisco National RWA conference today. Are you going?


18 thoughts on “New Friends”

  1. Hey friend! Loved, loved, loved meeting you and I’m looking forward to getting together soon.(Blazer game anyone?)

    I’m so glad you enjoyed this weekend. Debra was absolutely amazing. Such a fun person too.

    I haven’t registered for SF yet. I’m still fertilizing the money tree out back. Unfortunately, I think it’s stunted.

  2. You have to come to SF, Darcy! It wouldn’t be the same without you. I hope all the mavens can come!

    It was so great to meet you. I hope we can get together soon. I did some storyboarding today but I need more post-it notes.

  3. Conferences rock! And I’ve heard amazing things about Debra forever.

    Yeah, got the RWR in the mail today and it made me sigh. SF is most likely not in the budget this year, and there’s the whole what-to-do-with-the-kiddos thing, etc. Nationals will probably be a every-other year thing for me.

    You will love it SO much. I want to hear all the juicy details. I hope you guys blog about it for a month after you come home.

  4. It was so awesome to meet you, too, Lenora!!! Wow. Didn’t expect a plug for my book – LOL. I am so looking forward to rooming with you at National. And as far as Deb Dixon goes, that woman is AMAZING. This is the second workshop of hers I’ve attended, and each time I walk away with something new. As for The Manuscript Mavens? What can I say but wow! They put together a workshop that really pulled me out of my writing abyss. Thank you, ladies!

  5. San Francisco is going to be so awesome!! I am counting the minutes. Can’t wait to meet you, Sara!

    And thanks for stopping by, Delilah. Your new cover is so gorgeous.

  6. I’m jealous. *:?) SF isn’t in the financial cards for me, unless something huge changes in the next month or two. I was sooooo looking forward to going. Maybe I should just charge it. Oh, wait. I’m maxed out on charging the remodel, the new beds the kids had to have, the fixing of the plumbing, the….

    Well, anyway, I know you’ll have a blast, and I’ll try not to be *too* jealous of your good times! *:?)

  7. I saw Deb Dixon speak at a conference several years ago, and also thought she was fabulous. I bought her Goal, Motivation and Conflict book and loved that too. If you go to conferences and read articles about fiction writing a lot, like I do, I guess DD doesn’t exactly present brand-new info; and yet somehow she breaks it down into something so basic and understandable, that even if you’ve heard the ideas before, they still spur an incredible “ah-ha!” moment for you. Pretty cool.

  8. I’m way late in here but I just wanted to say Yay! we’ve booked Deb Dixon to give her workshop at our conference here in VA in Nov. I can’t wait as I’m already reading the book. And I’ve registered for Nationals as well. Even bought my plane tickets. No going back now! LOL!

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