April 16, 2007

Pages in Bloom

I’m going to spend the rest of April chained to my desk, finishing my current WIP, Heart of Ash. So no blogging for me (see NTW post). My parents come to visit in two weeks, and I won’t get much writing done while they are here, so it’s now or never. Wish me luck, and I’ll see you back online in May.

I’ll leave you with some pictures of spring in China, in the hope that they inspire your pages to bloom.


17 thoughts on “Pages in Bloom”

  1. Beautiful!! The flowers are almost done here in Portland. I’m sad, but it also means an allergy reprieve, so…. :?)

    As for charts, m’dear, I’ve got charts up the yin-yang, but I think they might be too, er, structured for you! I’ll be happy to share if you really want them, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!! LOL!

  2. What beautiful pictures!

    Best of luck, dear. I don’t have a blog (yet) but obviously need to join the technology age.

    Wishing the best for you in May!

  3. Thanks everyone! I’m making great progress so far. Although this morning I went shopping at a pearl market instead of writing. But I bought a beautiful necklace to give as a prize on my website in the future, so it was romance related, right?

  4. We’ll miss you, Lenore! But I completely understand your need to block out time to focus on your writing. Best of luck! Can’t wait to read Heart of Ash.

  5. Pretty, pretty, and so needed. We have nothing but ice and slush. But I started a new book today, so I’ll be chained too. 🙂 And it’s not what I had planned, which is completely messing with my brain, or what’s left of it.

  6. Bah. I’m trying to write a story about a character I don’t understand. If she’s going to be so stubbornly incomprehensible, why did she make me think of her? She’s driving me to Yelp addiction.

  7. Hi Erica, Blogger just became unblocked again and now I can comment on your blog. Yay!! I still don’t know why I could comment on other peoples and not yours though…weird. .

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