June 15, 2006


Just this. Offices. May they rest in peace. Far, far away from me.


6 thoughts on “Secretary”

  1. Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you. Is this what you have been up to in your back cubicle all these years (ha)???

    I love it. You captured all the key ingredients, I can’t wait to read the rest. Hopefully, it is published soon so we don’t have to wait too long.

    I am so happy and excited for you. Now, when I get to the office I can read you blog and live vicarously through you.

    I will miss you dearly. Oops, gotta go….here comes the boss.

  2. You are Inspiration. As someone who has replaced your empty chair, and now invisible fingerprints, pervasive functions and infused procedures; I feel struck with an irony. “I have come to replace one who left, only to wish I was the one leaving”…hehehehehe, say tel est la vie’

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